Another Day, Another State

Erin took the day off to be with us, so we started the day by her going to CrossFit and me going for a run while MBH held down the fort. I’ve done a couple of workouts with Erin before and could walk only in great pain afterwards, so I sadly felt compelled to decline her invitation for a charming time despite her promise of no dynamic warm ups. Then it was off to Fort Mill South Carolina for lunch and our 21st state visited during the Pandemic.

We got the nickle tour of SIM USA where Erin works. Despite the name they send missionaries world wide. It was nice meeting some of her coworkers and hearing how great she is. Then it was back to rest up at our Airbnb awhile before heading back out to dinner in downtown Matthews. We said our goodbyes to Erin as tomorrow we pack up and head for the hills, the hills of Kentucky that is.

Part of the SIM campus is undeveloped with walking trails. Erin parked and I walked over to the sign to take the picture.
I’d still be working if Boeing had conferences rooms like this. Ha Ha, just kidding. I’d still be retired, but I would have liked to have had the option to hold meetings in a setting like this – the few that didn’t need a white board or charts that is.
They are proud of the Carolina Reaper Pepper around here. Fun trivia fact, the Carolina Reaper is the world’s hottest pepper. And this poster is from the shop of the guy who created them.

We didn’t go in, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what form their worship takes.


A Lazy Sunday

We went to church with Erin, then came back to our AirBnB before a late lunch where we got to meet a friend of Erin’s, then a walk in the park (Freedom), then a stop at Lidl for cereal (and visit an Aldi rival we’d never been to before), then got back together for dinner and relaxation. When a young person picks the places you go, you see a lot more young people than when somebody my age picks.

The street layout of Charlotte is like a bowl of spaghetti thrown against the wall (see The Odd Couple) – roads wiggle every which way without rhyme or reason. Uptown (Charlotte calls its downtown Uptown) is laid out on a grid. Beyond that, it’s every road for itself, with roads frequently changing names, a maze that was made for turn by turn directions.

Our traveling Sunday Best
When the deer showed up at our Airbnb in the mountains, I shrugged. When the deer showed up at our Airbnb in town, I took a picture. The iPhone decided to focus on the screen for some reason.
Yuengling does nothing for me, but I know for some of you a picture like this sets your heart racing
Another beautiful day


Hello Charlotte

Today dawned in a new location so we had to learn all the quirks of a new Keurig (company motto: no two alike!) and cooking bacon and eggs and mushrooms on a hot plate – I discovered after a while turning it to the max setting was the most important thing.

Then it was off to Erin’s and then Home Depot for supplies to add storage space on Erin’s attic. No plan survives first contact with the enemy and that’s all I’m going to say about that except sorry. And she has no more space than yesterday. And I was told I’d be replacing a ceiling fan with no mention of attics. Okay now that’s all I’m going to say.

We spent the rest of the day together, ending up at River Jam at the National Whitewater Center with a couple of her friends and their dogs. We never could agree what style Justin Fedor & the Denim Denim play but to me it was laid back country.

Today’s ussie by proxy
No whitewater anywhere near? No problem! Just create your own river and have a knob that goes to eleven
I’m sure it feels the same as a real river even if it doesn’t look the same
Even a suave sophisticate has a bad hair day (once a decade)


The Clouds Strike Back

Last night we decided our one last hurrah in the mountains would be to drive to Mt Mitchell (the tallest mountain east of the Rockies) and then off to Charlotte. This morning we were greeted with low overcast skies (again) and decided to head to the mountain on the hope it was below the clouds. So off we went through Spruce Pine to the Blue Ridge Parkway (again). The many bicyclists out for a ride on the parkway only added to the fun of a twisty mountain road with occasional rain and fog. When we got close we could see that Mt Mitchell was enveloped in cloud, so after a quick consult with our paper trip planning and map app we decided to drive past the turn off to the mountain from the Blue Ridge Parkway and head to the pinnacle crag trail.

Sometimes you have to formulate and take plan C on the fly, like when they close the road you are on at the turn off you no longer want to take. I suppose we could have returned to plan A, crawled along the road to the peak in dense fog and hope eventually the cloud went away, but we decided instead to head back the way we came and take a road to the south and lunch. So back we went, back thru the bicyclists (I only had to come to a stop once for a car passing a couple of bikers), past the overlooks that only gave a view of clouds, until we reached a ridiculously steep and winding road (NC 80) that took us south to Marion, around the flatbed tow truck crawling down the mountainside, to flat straight roads and lunch.

After a stop at Lake James it was off to Charlotte to deliver the three heavy tubs of memories to Erin. Everything else on this trip was secondary to that goal. After the three tubs were safely ensconced in her living room it was hugs all around and the fun of visiting began.

An ussie in writing. Yes, high concept but work with me here. This greeted us at our Charlotte Airbnb.
Lake James, with the Linville Gorge and wilderness beyond. Just think, some of the water from pictures earlier in the week may be in this one. Cosmic.
Colorful and probably inedible mushrooms
The final tub is almost in the house, moments away from making this trip a success. Yay!


My Weather Obsession Continues

Today again dawned gray and overcast. I know I sound like a high priest of the church of meteorology, but there is a skylight right above our bed so it’s kind of hard to miss, and the weather is kind of important if you’re spending most of your day outdoors or on mountain roads.

We decided to hike the Crabtree Falls trail. The trail was challenging and the falls amazing, so if you’re ever in the area go ahead and hike it, just wear your waterproof hiking boots so you don’t care where you put your foot. And yes, we drove thru Spruce Pine again.

I treasure all the people we meet along the way, but today was tough. Not the guy with the Texas plates and (maybe) customized van who looked like he was working remotely from a scenic overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Not the gal we met on the trail from Florida visiting Asheville for a bachelorette weekend who was getting her hiking in before her unathletic friends showed up. Not The waitress at the Chalet Restaurant in Little Switzerland (what a view!) who discussed life in the mountains and, yes, the weather. No, it was the three older people, well just the older gentleman who did all the talking. We first caught up to them just where the loop trail split and I’m just going to leave it that after four different conversations I came to the conclusion that he was utterly clueless yet always wrong. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I’ve noticed that most people drive pickup trucks up here in the mountains of North Carolina, what a surprise I know, but I am surprised at how many Subarus I see on the roads here. Honda CR-Vs, not so much.

Tonight laundry, Tomorrow Charlotte

I think we’re getting the hang of this selfie thing
Our view at lunch (include a portion of lunch itself)
I admit that while it is awfully beautiful around here, it does all look the same
Early in the hike while we were still fresh as daisies
Photos are nice, but they reduce everything to the same (tiny) scale
Is it a creek bed, or is it a trail? It’s both a Creek bed and a trail!
Decisions decisions


The Sun Came Out

Today dawned grey and overcast but not raining. So I went for a run, at least until a dog defended the far side of a bridge against me and with memories of an evening misspent in the Fannon County Regional Medical Center due to a dachshund bite I turned tail and bravely ran away.

By the time we set off for Blowing Rock the sun was shining and blue sky outnumbered clouds. What a difference a day makes. What a difference great weather makes. What never seems to change is everyday we drive through Spruce Pine. At least we were on a different stretch of the Blue Ridge Parkway today – alongside Grandfather Mountain.

When we stopped at Price Lake to admire the view we decided to take the 2.3 mile loop trail since it shouldn’t take longer than 45 minutes. Why bother putting our hiking boots on, the trail just goes around a lake, not up a mountainside. Somehow we forgot what happens after days of rain culminating in one final day of deluge so it took over an hour as we were delayed by avoiding all the muck and flooded parts of the trail.

We had a nice lunch and strolled around the touristy part of Blowing Rock and forgot all about muck. We bought a tri-scented candle we were assured would burn for 150 hours. I’m a little bit more of a record keeper than the average bear but I think I’ll just take their word for it. By the time we split a piece of cheesecake I forgot all about yesterday’s rain too.

And then it was time to leave before our full bellies put us to sleep. So we headed back down the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Rough Ridge trailhead. This time we put the waterproof hiking boots on and we were glad we did. There was a waterfall right at the parking lot and the trail itself was a stream flowing down the mountain. The trail’s claim to fame are two pride rock overlooks and then a view from the crest of the ridge into the valley opposite the trail head. We decided the view into the other valley wouldn’t be materially different than the valley we were already looking at so we turned around at the second overlook.

One the way home we followed a semi for miles. Normally I’m a trifle unhappy when stuck behind one but we were amazed at how fast he could take even the tightest curves and just the skill of his two lane mountain driving. When we got back to the Airbnb we sat out on the deck until the sun got too hot. Today really was a special day.

The obligatory ussie
MBH is on top of the world
The view is spectacular, and the scenery is not bad either
It felt like the top of the world. Yeah, I know other people sit and dangle their feet over the edge but that is just not going to happen with me
I’m really glad we put the hikers on
Hmm, I think we can squeeze a boat tour in


The Rain Came Today

Fred is not playing nice with us. It was raining when we woke up and it’s raining now and it will rain until sometime tomorrow morning with the all too infrequent break. I’ve kept a lookout on a couple of rocks in the creek across the road all day – when both went underwater I started to keep track of the biggest one and now it’s almost underwater. Fortunately we are perched high above the road so as long as the whole house doesn’t slide down the hillside we will be fine. As we sit here watching TV tonight, when the rain gets heavier we lose the Dish signal and the lights blink. Yeah, I know, first world problems. Keep Haiti and Afghanistan in your prayers.

Jammie time lasted extra long this morning until MBH said let’s go out for lunch. So we put our game faces on, clothes too, and drove to Spruce Pine again for lunch and were surprised that place was hopping on a rainy Tuesday (it is Tuesday, isn’t it?) noon unlike a nice Sunday night. I kind of like the drive there because you can consistently go 55 mph on the stretch on NC 226. The start on 226A and the end on Roan road I briefly make it to 35 mph. When we head to Charlotte on the interstate I won’t know what to do with myself.

Pictures today are from earlier in the trip.

I’m looking forward to our time on the AT, MBH looks dubious
Deer visit us earlier in the week
Ready for anything except a Tropical Depression
Erwin’s Overlook. No sign of Erwin.
Live free or die!
Sign on our Airbnb, I’m kind of interested what it will say about 2021 next year.
Pretty much the view in any direction when it’s not raining here.


Rain Rain Go Away

This morning I got off to a slower start than usual, probably due to the heavy rain disturbing my sleep. We’ve seen every level of rain while driving from barely misting to heavy (thankfully no toad stranglers) so we’ve been able to keep going while using every setting on the wipers (MBH helpfully told me forward is faster on the intermittent settings). Today we even got some fog/cloud driving in.

We did manage to get going and headed to Linville Falls. Beautiful. Then it was off to Linville Falls winery for a late lunch. We bought one of their box lunches that contained a couple of mysteries in addition to the obvious goodies. We had to ask – is the flower edible or decorative, and what is in the sealed straw? Edible, and honey. The honey tasted as expected but the flower surprised me by being tasteless, the last thing I expected. Travel is such a learning experience.

Then we set off down the Blue Ridge Parkway for another hiking opportunity at the Chestoa view trail. AllTrails claims it heavily trafficked but we were the only ones on it and loop at the end was barely a trail. Not that I’m complaining.

One thing we’ve noticed is the profusion of churches, with names we are not used to. We’ve passed the Heaven Bound Baptist church adjacent to the Greater Remnant church several times. One wonders about the theology discussed through the separating chain link fence.

The tradition continues at Linville Falls
The complete picture of the falls but just the start of Linville Gorge
Sitting pretty
Sitting scared
Another day, another “heavily trafficked” trail


We (Day) Hike the Appalachian Trail

Today was a nice fall day for Ireland – cool with varying levels of moist. The roads are also reminiscent of the most scenic parts of Ireland – narrow and twisty with aspirational speed limits even the locals can’t reach. The only thing missing are the stone walls at the edge of the road.

Undeterred we hiked the Appalachian Trail. A tiny portion of it anyway, from Carver’s Gap and it’s all important parking, along the Tennessee/North Carolina border, over Round Bald to Joan’s Bald and back. As is our wont we had our lunch at a scenic spot on the trail, today supplemented with a few wild blueberries growing nearby.

Then it was off to downtown Bakersville, both blocks of it. The art galleries were open and little else, and after just one we had reached our limit, although we had a nice chat with Jennifer who moved here from Tampa a couple of years ago. The longest she’s been snowed in is three or four days which she didn’t think was too bad since the whole area kind of shuts down in the winter anyway.

Apparently people around here don’t eat out on Sundays as most of the restaurants were closed (not that there are that many to begin with). We called one possibility that doesn’t have an internet presence of any sort and got no answer, which left a single restaurant in Bakersville – after yesterday’s long drive we were trying to minimize our time in the car. When we pulled up in front we could see the hand lettered signs telling us they were out of business. So we put plan B into effect and headed off to the larger town of Spruce Pine (well, which one is it?) where it was deja Vu all over again. Our primary target was closed, so we began wandering around between Oak and Locust streets trying to find a place to eat. We found El Ranchero open so no need to resort to cannibalism or our emergency almonds. Whew.

The sky might be cloudy but we are sunny
We didnt make it as far as any of those places – you don’t want to overdo the first day or get caught in a thunderstorm on a bald mountain.
Roan Mountain
Our view at lunch
I speak!
Our driveway is on the right
Today’s soothing sound of water, Cane Creek. Took three videos as cars kept coming down the road right behind me.


On The Road Again

The alarm went off at 5 AM and we were on the road again by 7. My how life has changed – I only wake up to an alarm on vacation post retirement.

We weren’t sure of the full route until we approached Mount Vernon as our various map apps swung between the route thru Nashville or thru Lexington for the past week. As we drove thru the corn fields Google said one and Apple the other, but I preferred to minimize my exposure to Tennessee where half the people drive 90 mph and half 60mph which makes life interesting times. I don’t like interesting times. Three things remain certain if you’re traveling to Charlotte: death, taxes, and Knoxville, so Tennessee was unavoidable.

The nice thing about driving in overcast is you don’t sweat so much, the bad thing is water can fall from the sky at almost any moment. MBH observed after the first extended rain at least the bugs were gone from the windshield. She looks at the bright side of life; I’m your man for a detailed risk assessment with an emphasis on worst case scenarios.

The sky looked scary as we left Johnson City with our hopes, fears, and groceries. MBH pulled up a weather map and thought we might be able to thread the needle thru the storms; I kept my thoughts to myself – I’m an old hand at the husband game. A road trip is a lot like Zeno’s paradox – the closer you get to your destination, the slower you go. Between the rain and the back roads over the mountains (every good road trip leaves the interstate as you close on a destination) we got very slow indeed.

And then we stopped in a line of cars with their flashers on. We could see the tree across the road, a pickup pointed towards us on our side of the tree, and the lead driver in the line of cars out and about under her umbrella. After consulting the driver of the pickup, she got back in her car and began maneuvering her car. Is she trying to turn around? Does she think she can back up past the whole line of cars? Misdirection! I was focused on the wrong car: the pickup makes a move and the tree whips off the road. More maneuvering and the pickup slowly drives by the line of cars dragging the tree behind it like Achilles dragging Hector around the walls of Troy. I gave the driver a thumbs up as he goes by. Sadly, no pictures or video of the event.

We made it to our Airbnb after coaxing our SUV like a mountain goat up the steep and windy driveway. That moment I did manage to capture while unloading the luggage.
