Posts Tagged Bush

Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts, My Mind Is Made Up

Here’s the post I’ve been wanting to write all my life, but because of the lack of time, skill, ability, and seriousness I haven’t been able to: Partisan Views Interfere with Rational Thinking.

You have to let your thinking be influenced by the best evidence you can find. Unfortunately, most people are unaccustomed to that way of thinking. Because of that, some liberals refuse to let go of the idea that Bush lied about Saddam’s WMDs in the run up to the invasion, and some conservatives refuse to let go of the idea that Saddam really did have WMDs. You need to let go of both ideas. It is a truly liberating experience to let the evidence guide your thinking, and I encourage you to give it a try.

It builds from there, to lay bare the central conundrum of the invasion of Iraq – who lied. The conclusion shouldn’t surprise you, but for some it will.

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Space Bush

OK, I’m late to commenting on President Bush’s space initiative. You should have read lots of good commentary already; if you haven’t, then head on over to Mr. Simberg’s blog, Transterrestial Musings, for enlightening space commentary. I think the primary goal of our national space program should be the permanent presence of mankind in space. Science in space is fun, interesting, nice, doable, worthwhile, etc. but should not be the primary goal of a national space progam (at least until we do have a permanent presence). So I have to like Mr. Bush’s call for a manned Moon base followed by a manned trip to Mars because that really advances what I think should be the primary goal. And putting in terms of going somewhere, rather than just being somewhere, makes it sound so much better.
