Posts Tagged Darfur

Iraq Vs. Darfur

I’m told on the one had we need to get out of Iraq because it’s a civil war and civilians are dying, but on the other we need to get involved in Darfar to save the civilians who are dying in that civil war. So you tell me, what’s the difference?

And if the reality of Iraq truly is a civil war, then our presence isn’t causing the violence (because they are fighting against each other, and not us), but it may well help end it. Just as it would in Darfur.

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All Mouth, No Stomach

Sudan is a killing field. No question about it, whatever you decide to call it. Well, now some people have discovered it – like George Clooney. No problem with that, and welcome. I have no doubt Mr. Clooney et al are sincere. But I do have a few questions.

First off, what’s the difference between Sudan/Darfur now and Iraq pre-2003? Other than more dead Iraqi’s and the prospect of neverending death and destruction? So if you didn’t like the intervention in Iraq, why are you urging it in Sudan? Just because you personally visited one region and not the other? Why not go talk to survivors of Hussein’s reign of terror then? What will happen when the only way to stop the slaughter now is to give up on the UN and act unilaterally, or at best with the same circle of trusted allies (like the British)? Will you be out cheering President Bush then? What will happen when US forces kill Africans in Africa? What will happen when the US takes casualties in Sudan? Will you stand firm for what you urged, or will you question why we are intervening in someone else’s civil war? Will you stand firm, or will you question why the US, stained by slavery, is killing innocent black people in Africa? Will you stand firm, or will you start in with American boys are paying with life and limb for Sudanese Oil?

What I’m asking is, when the going gets rough as most surely it will — the only way to stop the killing will be to intervene militarily, and we will take casualties, and we will kill innocents and bad guys alike because that is the very nature of a civil war — will you stay the course, remember how and why we got involved, and rally support in difficult circumstances, or will you cut and run? Because I’ve got to tell you, the track record of you and your mates on this aren’t good. You breath fire when the talk is about putting pressure on somebody else, but when some real pressure is put on you, you cut and run. In the past, you’ve been all mouth, no stomach. Are we going to see another sequel, or will it be something orginal for a change?

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When Dictators Make The Rules …

Hey Hitch, don’t you know war never solves anything? President Bush should be commended for following the approved international process in the Sudan, unlike Iraq or Afganistan, because its more important that we follow international norms than save one single life. Since the weepy left only weeps over American soldiers killed (those that manage to survive are apparently “bad”) and those they supposedly killed, there is no weeping for those dying in Sudan — thus answering the question, if a person is killed without any relation to America, does anyone notice (or care?). Of course, the question was already answered by the reaction to the deaths inflicted on a grand scale in Afganistan and Iraq before the US intervened.
