Posts Tagged Movable Type

Funmurphys 3.0

Hope you like the new look, I’d like to do some tweaking of the colors and sidebars and save my really old animated “humor enabled browser” gif. Time is always a problem, and after the heroic effort it took to get a blogroll back and the horrible Six Apart documentation, I’m not sure I’ll ever get around to it. In many ways my favorite blog platform was the one I started with – Greymatter. I’m not a power blogger, I’m just a casual blogger who wants to do a few simple things easily. Movable Type seems to evolve with each incarnation towards dedicated IT support and away from me. I’m so hopelessly antediluvian that I can’t figure out tags vs. Categories vs. Keywords.

Here’s how I feel about the experience of upgrading from MT2.6 to MT4.1:

Laocoon struggles

That would be me in the middle and my fellow bloggers Sean and Carl on either side of me with the MT serpent coiled about us.


Situation Normal, All In Flux

Back when the family was away and I had more time, I started the upgrade to MT4.1. Between poor documentation and outdated documentation on the part of MT and my web host, I had the wrong idea about what my problems were with the upgrade. Once I got current information from my web host, all I had to do was remember how I got MT2.x running manny moons ago when I switched from Greymatter to MT. So I finished the upgrade when I don’t have a lot of time to get everything squared away. I hope to have it all squared away soon, time permitting, so please bear with the ongoing state of flux.



Movable Type 3.0 will cost money if you want to have more than a single author or two blogs. This is causing some consternation, but Tanya explains it all, and by the way make sure you read the comments because she has something nice to say about yours truly (and there are some other good comments).

I recently switched to Moveable Type from Greymatter, and have no regrets. Except I never got comment spam with Greymatter, and I got a ton of it with MT until I used Jay Allen’s Blacklist.
