August 20, 2004

Global Warming, Local Cooling

Apparently global warming is coming for Europe first; I know its sure left the American midwest the heck alone this year. We've set record low lows and record low highs right here in St. Louis this summer. And it's not just our imaginations about being a cool summer -- the leaves are turning red early. It's mid august and the dogwood in my front yard has already started to turn red. I ought to take a picture just so next time somebody tells me about global warming I can look at the picture and see for myself.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 20, 2004 12:13 PM | Science
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That's actually part of the global warming theory. Certain parts of the world get cooler at times as part of the process.

Posted by: Jeremy Pierce at August 23, 2004 3:26 PM

How convenient - if it gets hotter or colder, "global warming" is happening.

Posted by: Kevin Murphy at August 23, 2004 9:30 PM