September 2, 2004

Jason Goes To New York

My wife wanted to watch Zell Miller last night, so after I got back from working on the parade float and walking the dog, we turned on the TV to the convention. Since Zell wasn’t on yet, my wife called her Girl Scout co-Leader and then Zell came on. She was bummed she missed most of it, but I got to see the whole thing. Wow. It should go down as the “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” speech – an even better version of Howard Beale from Network.

I hope John Kerry took notes on the effective way to mention one’s military experience (“And nothing makes this Marine madder than someone calling American troops occupiers rather than liberators”) – as little as possible and in context with the point.

Zell put on the hockey mask, revved up the chainsaw, and went to work on the objects of his wrath. He didn’t stop when he finished with politicians, he kept it up on Hardball. After that speech, the two Cheneys were anti-climactic and I didn’t stick out Dick’s speech for very long before I was back to handling Scout administrivia.

Tomorrow night is Bush – I have School Night for Scouting and Open House at school, but I’ll be back in time I hope. My wife and son are off to a Cardinal’s game, so she’ll miss Bush’s speech for sure. I’ll be torn – a politician speaking, or uninterrupted time to take on Andariel and go on to Act II. Decisions, decisions.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 2, 2004 12:19 PM | National Politics