September 2, 2004

Thursday Link Fest

Happy Birthday Brad! And good luck with your classes.

Tim takes on Quixtar, again. Go Tim, go!

Next destination, Barsoom (according to one of my alter egos). I’m also a big fan of the Pellucidar novels.

I have to admit, Chrenkoff brought a smile to my lips with this post

Cori continues to watch over the media so we don’t have to. I’m shocked, shocked, to discover that the WaPo continues to bury any good news in Iraq.

Brian Tiemann doesn’t think Father of the Pride is going to be around very long – not funny enough for a comedy is his verdict on the pilot.

Chris Johnson revels in the insightfulness of Reuters’ news analysis.

Mark at Kaedrin Weblog reacts to Steven Den Beste’s blog retirement. Charles Austin announces his retirement, again. I suppose it’s the quantity, not the quality, in Charles’ opinion. I for one miss Charles.

Matt Hoy despairs of his own abilities and winning a Pulitzer after reading Maureen Dowd’s latest. Susanna Cornett cheerfully reads Maureen, although I’m hurt that she didn’t notice when I gave the same explanation of how to enjoy reading Ms. Marueen. Have I mentioned several people have found my blog after searching on "Maureen Dowd Sexy"? Do you wish I had just kept that little nugget to myself?

ScrappleFace has Osama’s reaction to the Republican convention.

Geitner Simmons has more about the Great Plains. When I was driving to Colorado and back, I noticed how all the roads I drove on in Kansas and Colorado pretty much followed the railroads.

The Ombudsgod is hoping his readers will buy him a Porsche Carrera GT. The spirit is willing, but the pocket isn’t deep enough.

Tom McMahon sums up the election -- you’ll have to read it, as it is a brief summary.

Tanya is looking ahead to the next one.

Eammon Fitzgerald is looking back to Munich, no not 1938, but 1972, sparked by Rudy Guiliani.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 2, 2004 12:37 PM | Links
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a great couple days celebrating.

Posted by: Bradley Rolfes at September 9, 2004 12:40 AM