September 3, 2004

School Night For Scouting

We had 19 boys sign up last night (yeah!) and about 5-6 prospects at our School Night For Scouting. The prospects were all people who came late and so didn't hear me run through my spiel on what we do and what's expected of both the boys and the parents; I'm glad that after hearing me ramble on for 20 minutes (possibly more) nobody who did hear me backed out. I may not be a good public speaker, but at least I'm not repellant. I even managed to talk one lady who came in late while we were wrapping up the paperwork into joining. Her son wanted to, but she wasn't sure. After a few minutes of me talking while she just kind of looked at her paper work, the pack's committee chair asked if she was going to join tonight since he had to go turn all the forms and money in. At first she wasn't, but after I went over our calender and all the neat stuff we do, she was sold. It seemed like a lot of the 2nd graders were joining because their friends who were already scouts had a good time. I guess hard work and dogged determination do pay off.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 3, 2004 12:08 PM | Scouting