September 22, 2004

Meta Media Questions

Does the success of Fox News tell us something? Does the MSM resemble more a cartel or the rough and tumble of real competition? Why was Dan Rather still anchorman after years of dismal and declining ratings? Why does MSM attack Fox News so regularly and so vehemently? Is Fox News part of the MSM?

Can I fire the MSM? Does the MSM have any idea about how popular or trusted any particular member is? Do its members rise through the ranks more on the opinion of their fellows than their audience? If the work of the MSM is judged by the MSM and rewarded by the MSM, is groupthink the only possible result? Why doesn't MSM make better use of all the tools and resources at it's command?

Do the vaunted layers of editorial control add to or subtract from the final product? Is MSM focused on the method of delivery (a particular newscast or a particular edition of the paper) to the detriment of providing their customers the information they need? Will this fixation carry over into the internet age? Does it make sense to bundle information in the internet age?

Do we need a source of trusted, unbiased information? Is it even possible to have an "information referee" who is completely unbiased?

Are TV shows and movies part of MSM? Do they reinforce, contradict, or have no effect on MSM message? If what MSM says has no effect on its consumers, wouldn't advertisers be wasting their money?

Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 22, 2004 12:39 PM | Media Criticism