October 4, 2004

Debate Transcript

You can find a transcript of the first Presidential Debate here at the Washington Post:

I kind of like reading the debates instead of listening to them! I can read at my own speed, review certain sections, search for keywords, and skip past any repetitive sections. I think the substance-to-style ratio is higher than with the live broadcast on TV. I didn't reach for my bowl of broken glass even once!

If you're going to comment on the transcripts, please have some grace with the two candidates. They are both speaking off-the-cuff, and it's pretty easy to snip out a fractured sentence that makes the speaker sound like he can't talk right. Try to quote whole paragraphs.

Special thanks go to the person or persons who typed in the entire program.

Posted by Carl Drews at October 4, 2004 4:17 PM | National Politics