November 2, 2004

My Civic Duty

I voted this morning. I took the day off to have some brake work done, paint the kitchen, and go to the doctors. I managed to squeeze in voting this morning. All this talk of record turnout, of people parking on 141 in Fenton, and I just waltzed right in and punched my little card without delay. Only one vote came down to the wire for me - Blunt vs. McCaskill. Claire gave a great interview on local radio a while back, and I have to admit I was leaning towards voting for her. My wife warned me that while she might be good for the state now, she would probably win a race for senator in eight years and then all that talk about social issues not mattering would be out the window. Still, tomorrow is another day, and I'm worried about right now. But then, last night, Rudi Guilliani called me. Yep, the mayor of New York himself called me to ask for my vote for Matt Blunt, and he told me how important it was. Who am I to refuse Rudi? Sorry Claire, but I'm thinking you'll go on to victory even without my vote.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at November 2, 2004 1:47 PM | Local Politics