January 5, 2005

A Look Back

I had a good Christmas. Since I realistically lack for nothing but time (and I'm sure if I had my priorities right I wouldn't even lack for that) I was happy to get a few things I wanted for Christmas, but more importantly to give a few things other people wanted. OK, I suppose if to love and be loved is a need, then I got to exchange something I and others needed.

My 2004 was a year like most of my others. The FunMurphys had a great time in Colorado this summer (you might get to see all the photos, you might not) switched jobs for the Very Large Corporation of America; the Fruit of the Murphy Loins are a year older and thus closer to the dreaded teenage years (OK, my daughter is already there, but just at the start), and I didn't wake up to find what little I had taken away from me the day after Christmas. I suppose that sums up my look back at 2004.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 5, 2005 8:06 PM | Family