March 15, 2005

Petty Is As Petty Does

The Marines have made their countermove to the UAW: We don't need you're stinking parking lot. OK, it was "However, I've made my decision -- either you support the Marines or you don't." -- Lt. Col Joe Rutledge. So they found another parking lot and the UAW is stuck with their really incredibly stupid and petty descision to kick Marines off the lot for driving either a non-US nameplate car (how can you tell a "foreign car" otherwise) or one with a pro-Bush bumpersticker. I could have tolerated the foreign car distinction, but pro-Bush bumperstickers? I have only owned US nameplate cars (although I'm not sure that my Dodge qualifies anymore, especially since it was manufactured in Canada). This makes it harder to keep buying them, even though I know that not all autoworkers, or even the majority, are that boneheaded and petty.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 15, 2005 11:56 AM | War On Terror