March 17, 2005

One Blog Roundup

Are you reading Ranting Profs? You ought to, or you might have missed a few things, like

Rick Bragg was fired by the New York Times for using uncredited stringers -- that is passing off someone else's reporting as his own. Guess what, everybody is doing that in Iraq. What's the difference? Good question Cori.

No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Could it have been because they were moved at the start of the war? According to the NYTs, it was more of that looting George Bush failed to prevent. According to Hitch, it was a carefully planned military operation. Still, if there were no WMD, what was looted? Just the equipment to make them, which wasn't used because?

What really happened with the Italian kidnapping in Iraq? Like did the Italians refuse to cooperate with the Iraqi investigation during and after the kidnapping? Just like they didn't tell the US what was going on? Great job there Italy.

Which is more important -- the sentencing in the Peterson case, or the first meeting of the Iraqi Parliament?. It's a trick question of course, because who cares about the Iraqi parliament. No wonder some people don't think the American sacrifice in Iraq is worth it, because we have no idea what's really happening.

Now that it's just Cori, I'm wondering when she'll change the name.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 17, 2005 11:37 AM | Media Criticism
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Hey! Thanks for the lovely write up. Actually, the way things ended up, it's always been just me, but by the time that became clear I figured I was just stuck with the name.

Things happen, I guess.

Posted by: dauber at March 17, 2005 2:31 PM