May 10, 2005

Standards? Ha

The ever offensive St. Louis Post Dispatch celebrated Mother's Day in style, with a picture too graphic to run in full on their own lousy website plastered on the front page. Some poor lady has horrific scars from a liver transplant, and the Post decides to run that photo on Mother's Day. Brian Noggle is made of sterner stuff than me, because he was actually able to pick the paper up and read the accompaning article about the hazards of donating organs. I figure the article is just the legal-journalistic complex laying the ground work to sue docters, hospitals, etc. over live organ donations, which is even more offensive than running a gross picture on Mother's Day.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at May 10, 2005 11:51 AM | Media Criticism
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And the woman in the picture looked like the kind of person who would eventually sue someone for something, didn't she?

Posted by: Brian J. at May 10, 2005 3:02 PM