May 23, 2005

Beyond Odd

Sometimes are odder than others, and now is such a time. I open up Google news, and what do I read, right after Schroeder Seeks Early Election; Polls Predict Defeat which isn't odd, just uplifting and well deserved but does serve to set up the oddity, namely Dow, Nasdaq advance on Apple-Intel talks! That's a double entodder, a twofer of oddity, a man bites dog while veternarians cheer kind of story. First, the wonderment of Apple and Intel getting together, but to follow that up with the idea that the market rallied on the news: "Wall Street was cheered by the Apple report ... and could make the machines less expensive." I guess themoney that all those traders won't have to spend on the next Apple product is burning a stock sized hole in their pockets or something.

So after scratching my head over that, I move on to a story about Kylie Minogue having a cancerous lump removed from her breast. Nothing odd about that, but it's from a Chinese news agency, Xinhua, that runs a picture that pretty much let's you see where the lump was removed and allows you to compare the two. Breasts, that is. On the same page there's also a picture link to an article headlined "Hot: Tempting Swimsuit Girls" and the picture demonstrates for once there wasn't any bias in the headline writer. Next to that picture is another picture link with a hot tempting woman winning the Eurovision song contest. If I was at some British tabloid site I wouldn't be surprised, but this is the State Chinese news agency, you know, home of the little Mao suit and antidote to the decadent West.

So enough Google news or my mind will boggle, but guess who watched the Incredibles this weekend? That would be me and James Lileks, that's who. And it's not like the first time the James and I have been synchronized. The male fruit of the Murphy loins was not at the boyscout campout as planned but was sick at home with me. So we watched movies together, including the Incredibles which even better the second time around, and amazingly enough is really a movie more for grownups than kids. Yes, kids will enjoy it too, but I think the person who will enjoy it the most is a married parent who loves the Sean Connery James Bond movies.

But that's not the oddest thing, no the oddest thing is that somebody left a comment you only dream about: "You nailed it!!!" I usually don't get comments, and usually they point out either where I'm wrong or where I left something out, but nothing life affirming like "You nailed it!!!". Now I just have to figure out if I'm Katrina or a Wave.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at May 23, 2005 11:41 AM | Fun
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.

You're a Wave. If you have to figure it out, you're a Wave.

Posted by: Sean Murphy at May 24, 2005 1:06 AM