June 1, 2005

Sometimes You Get Kicked

I had a great post built around this amazing article about Watergate by Edward Jay Epstein
from 1974. But as I was wrapping up my browser quit and took my post with it. Instead, you'll have to read the Powerline post about it instead.

OK, I can't resist. What's so amazing is that the article not only nails the press, but it also nailed Deep Throat -- high ranking official(s) who wanted to bring down the head of the FBI L. Patrick Gray.

And one last dig. Nixon deserved to go for running a criminal conspiracy from the White House. But didn't JFK deserve to go, for a lot more than petty burglery? He not only attempted the assassination of foreign leaders, he succeeded.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 1, 2005 9:34 PM | Current Events