June 24, 2005

A Couple of Movies

Two nights ago we watched Finding Neverland. The pacing was leisurely, which suits the period and subject. The acting was first rate - I've never seen Johnny Depp as restrained yet still smoldering behind the eyes. I have to admit, I wasn't wild about it when the funWife picked this one out, but I thought it was thoroughly enjoyable, excellent family movie.

Last night it was The Aviator, which wasn't as good. Oh, it was a lavish production, but it's an odd movie. If Howard Hughes had any genius, it wasn't on display beyond his ability to spend all his money. The pacing in the beginning was especially off, with a very rushed feel yet later it settled down into a more sustainable pace. And the colors appeared to have been applied later and poorly - a fault I can't quite figure out (I'm hoping it's not my TV!). The best part was his confrontation with Senator Brewster, the kind you wish more such witnesses had. Overall, it was all surface and no depth, and made no emotional connection other than pity (and not much of that) as he descended into madness.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 24, 2005 11:42 AM | Movies