June 29, 2005

Movin' On

Has Charles Austin run away with Dodd Harris? Having met both Charles and Dodd I can confidently state they aren't ones to run away. But they have both abruptly stopped blogging with cryptic farewell messages. If I were Normal Vincent Peal I'd be happy that I could now read a few more blogs, but I'm not so I'm going to miss them.

Maybe they should do a group blog with the evanescent Juan Gato.

Is Dodd related to Andrea Harris? I never thought to ask until just now for some reason.

Dodd, if you're ever looking for a place to hang out an anonymous shingle, you can always do so here at Funmurphys. And with my traffic, you can use your own name and still remain anonymous. Same offer applies to Charles too.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 29, 2005 10:30 PM | Inside Bloging
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.

Thanks for the offer, Kevin. It's most generous.

And, no, I'm not related to Andrea. :-)

Posted by: Dodd at July 2, 2005 12:35 AM