July 13, 2005

Natural Hazards

Saturday morning I did a little yard work - mowed the lawn, pulled my weight in Ivy, filled a trash can with sticks and limbs, and puttered about in general. Afterwards I noticed an itchy patch on my ankle I assumed was a spider bite so I alternated spraying it with hydrocortisone and applying Calahist. Monday morning the area developed a blister that kept growing until Tuesday morning it was the size of a grape when the doctor cut it off. Yep, she took a pair of scissors and cut the darn thing right off. Then she gave me a prescription for an anti-histimine for the itch which has made me drowsy, and mostly itch free, ever since.

Monday what was Hurricane Dennis came to St. Louis and provided a steady rain which we badly needed. I sat out in it for three and half hours that night watching my kids swim team go undefeated for the season. The important thing was never to get up from my chair so it would stay dry. Towards the end I was actually glad when the swimmers would splash me since that water was warm.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week since I figure it can only get better.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at July 13, 2005 10:04 PM | Me