August 5, 2005

The Stupidity of the Studios

Well, surprise surprise surprise, the new Dukes of Hazzard movie isn't getting good reviews. And the review is fairly typical - mindless action coupled with hot bodies. Who is the picture aimed at? Teenagers, of course. While the debate rages about the whys of Hollywoods decline -- Is it poor product quality or is it competition from other entertainment, let me agree with both of those positions and throw in the observation that Hollywood shouldn't be surprised that fewer people watch their movies because they go out of their way to make movies that fewer people want to see, since a large fraction seems to be aimed directly at teenagers. And frankly, not too many of us adults are going to plunk down 8 bucks and spend 90 minutes to look at Jessica Simpson's cleavage (delightful as it is) and other things blow up real good. This might make sense if teenage was an expanding demographic, but it isn't. It's not like if you get people hooked on movies as a teenager they'll keep watching the rest of their lives, either.

I'm not blaming teenagers -- I'm blaming an industry that keeps sawing away at its own jugular. Mel Gibson proved that people who don't ordinarily see movies will plunk down their 8 bucks and sit for a couple of hours to see a movie that is aimed at them. Did Hollywood notice and ask themselves what demographics (not just devout Christians) they are they leaving on the table? Are you kidding? Heck, they haven't even bothered with a follow up for Christians.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 5, 2005 1:02 PM | Media Criticism