August 8, 2005

Viva La Strawbs, Viva L'iTunes!

I'm a big fan of iTunes. I've been recreating my old music library song by song. Not everything is on iTunes (yet), but they keep adding to it. So there is a bit of a race between my failing memory and the additions, and this weekend the additions won a battle as a couple of Strawbs greatest hits albums are now available. Growing up my brother and I had Hero and Heroine in our collection (OK, I think it was in his part because I can't remember seeing it in a very long time). So once again I can hear Dave Cousins voice from yesteryear with such favorites as Lay Down or the un-Strawbs like but very fun Part of the Union til the day I die.

One of the great things is, especially as they add more of the old obscure music of my youth, I can buy exactly what I want. Some groups only had one or two good songs on an album, so now I can buy just those. The hard part is remembering the old obscure music of my youth.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 8, 2005 11:24 AM | Music
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This is another in a long line of synchronous events: July 26 I bought "Part of the Union", "Midnight Sun", "Hero and Heroine", and "Medley: Autumn/Heroine's Them / Deep Summer's" by the Strawbs as well as several songs by Shawn Phillips (but they don't have Hie Away or most of the songs from Rumplestilskin's Revenge). We should compare notes on what's still in "your part" as you know Theresa prevailed upon me about a decade ago to dump vinyl, a decision I still regret (at least before writing down everything that I had).

Posted by: Sean Murphy at August 8, 2005 3:15 PM