August 15, 2005

Big Blow

We got home from the lake yesterday (more later on that, with pictures!) and discovered quite the storm had rumbled through St. Louis on Saturday. A lot of people are still without power, and our new neighbors had major tree limbs down - one had a big soft maple branch down in their driveway, and the other had half a bradford pear blown against their house. I had nothing but a few dead branches from a birch, but it drops dead branches all the time.

We've been having a drought in the area, so people were happy to get the rain, just not the wind. But the weather forcasters here have been saying that until the fall, we would't get rain from anything less than a tropical storm -- which was true right up until Thursday last week. Then all of a sudden we could get rain, and now we're getting it almost every day. Last time I checked, August isn't the fall. Of course, the weatherpeople are too busy reporting on all the rain to tell us why we don't need hurricane remnants to provide rain. That's the kind of never look back job I'd like to have.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 15, 2005 11:33 AM | Current Events