August 16, 2005

Live And Learn

My wife isn't happy. Thankfully, it isn't with me, but some market research firm. We both are happy to do market research, in part because it pays so well when you do qualify. So she agreed to watch a half hour tape and answer questions the next day. We watched the tape which turned out to be a lousy TV sitcom I've never heard of. At first we thought the show was a pilot that we were giving feedback on, as they did ask a few questions about it in the material my wife was supposed to fill out afterwards, but when they started putting ads in during the commercial breaks, and she had to fill out pages of product info, ostensibly for the "prize drawing" she was eligible, I thought the ads were the real object of the research. And the next day the half hour interview with somebody with a strong Indian accent who claimed he was calling from Alberta, Canada focused almost entirely with a single Ore Ida ad which I didn't even remember (although my wife did). So she's unhappy she's out an hour of time over a stupid spud ad with nothing to show for it but a chance at a prize. I think we'll both be sticking to the research where there's an envelope full of cash at the end of the session, which helps one deal with such questions "if Ore Ida was a person, how would you describe him or her to your friends?"

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 16, 2005 11:31 AM | Family