August 23, 2005

A Perscription For What Ails

I think Donald Sensing makes an excellent suggestion: form a joint information office to distribute information from the executive branch withou the filter of the media.

On a similar note, I can't help but think that a lot of anti-americanism in the rest of the world is supported by overwhelming presentation of negative info in the American media. Yes, there is plenty of what I see as plain anti-americanism as well, but I'm talking about the inherent bias of what is news or what makes a good story. Scientists spending years in researching, developing, testing, and then selling a breakthrough drug -- seen any movies or TV shows about that? On the other hand, I've seen plenty of good movies about doctors and pharmacuetical companies conspiring to kill critics of flawed drugs -- The Fugitive is a prime example.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 23, 2005 12:28 PM | Media Criticism