August 25, 2005

Plan For The Worst

You've seen movies that start with happy scenes of innocent frivolity and then the camera pulls back to reveal a menace lurking in the shadows that only the audience can see. The people on screen go about their routines blissfully unaware, until KAPOW! the menace strikes. I sometimes wonder if we're the unmindful characters and the avian flu is the lurking menace. Oh, there are warnings, and all the right people seem to be noticing, but is a major pandemic really on your schedule for next flu season? I've checked and it's not on mine.

I guess it's good news then that pharmaceutical giant Roche donated 3 million doses of flu fighting anti-viral oseltamivir to the World Health Organization. That way the organization is ready to fight avian flu whever it shows up and hopefully nip any pandemic in the bud.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 25, 2005 11:40 AM | Current Events