August 29, 2005

Katrina and Her Waves

On the one hand, New Orleans is the ultimate, no worries, be happy kind of place (in the US anyway). It's party all the time down there. On the other hand, everytime a hurricane heads for the gulf coast, the worrying starts and the warnings that the end of New Orleans is, if not exactly at hand, at least within sight. Personally, I couldn't take the strain. On the third hand, maybe all that worry fuels the partying later.

I'm glad that the worst fears apparently haven't been realized, but that doesn't mean that it won't cause a lot of damage in addition to deaths and injuries. The relief effort is already underway, although the storm has to pass before aid can actually arrive. I'm sure the good people of New Orleans perfer Katrina the performer to Katrina the Hurricane, especially her waves.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at August 29, 2005 11:31 AM | Current Events