October 31, 2005

More Of The Same

President Bush has nominated Judge Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court. That's more like it, even if it isn't Judge Janice Brown. I expect that he'll be confirmed on a close to party line vote. While he can clearly write court opinions, I'm starting to miss Harriet Miers because she at least was something different, not another brilliant Yalie who followed the correct path (which isn't meant to be a knock on Judge Alito). The problem was that she represented too great a risk at a time when the Supreme Court has become far too political and not simply judicial. It's too bad that that's what we hold elections for now - to pick and confirm Supreme Court Justices so that one side can win the nine vote elections.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at October 31, 2005 12:35 PM | Current Events
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>It's too bad that that's what we hold elections for now - to pick and confirm Supreme Court Justices so that one side can win the nine vote elections.

Ain't that the horrible truth? I clearly remember one pastor saying that he didn't like George Bush because of the Iraq War, the economy, and the environment; but that we should vote for Bush over John Kerry because of the abortion issue.

You're all familiar with the scenario: 1. Bush packs the court with conservative judges, 2. those conservatives stay conservative, 3. somehow they get the opportunity to overturn Roe vs. Wade, and 4. they do it. It appears that step #1 in this torturous process is playing out. Ronald Reagan never got past step #2.

I'll just keep praying that women with unplanned pregnancies will find an alternative, and help them when I can. Judging by the statistics:

my method is at least making some progress.

Posted by: Carl Drews at November 1, 2005 11:14 AM

That URL is:


Posted by: Carl Drews at November 1, 2005 11:15 AM