December 12, 2005

iPod Nation Minus 1

I'm a stock owning member of the Apple Cult, so while I love iPod and what it's done for the company (and the stock), it pains me that (1) it's expensive and (2) I can't think of a good reason I should own one. If it were cheaper, I wouldn't need a good reason, but before I'm going to shell out even $99 for the least expensive model, I have to have a place to listen to it. I already have a CD player at home, at work, and in my car, so the only significant chunk of time left is when I'm attending the Fruit of the Murphy Loins activites, and listening to my iPod instead of cheering them on or listening to them play their own music is more than just bad form.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at December 12, 2005 11:39 AM | Me