December 13, 2005

Laugh In Looks At The News

Mr Lileks proves once again that he can write: A 2005 Rollick:

An oppressive colonizer is forced to withdraw from occupied Arab land. This is initially met with dancing in the streets of Cairo, Paris, and Turtle Bay. Then everyone realizes it is Syria pulling out of Lebanon. You must understand that the Cedar Revolution, after years of Syrian domination, has nothing to do with the American presence in Iraq, you jingoist. It's just one of those international coincidences like the moon being where it was when Apollo 11 flew past. A few months later, Israel voluntarily withdraws from Gaza, earning approximately 17 seconds of good will from the international community. Personal best!

And that's just a small sample.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at December 13, 2005 11:56 AM | Current Events | Fun