January 31, 2006

Book Of Daniel Closes

I never watched the show The Book of Daniel. And now I won't get the chance. The reason I didn't watch it is simple - what little TV I watch regularly these days I watch with the family and the ads didn't depict it as a family kind of show. It's not a deliberate choice BTW - it's simply a fact that if the rest of the family doesn't make it a point to watch a TV show regularly with me, then between my schedule and my memory it doesn't get watched regularly. I was able to watch the first three episodes of Lost and then was I missed a few and then I couldn't follow when I did so that was the end of that.

I'm one of those crazy people who actually watch TV ads. My wife gives me the funniest look if she switches the channel and I protest because "I was watching that ad". Not all of them mind you, just those I think have something I want to see. So the information I got about the show was from the ads, which did make it sound like The Book of Daniel was inspired far more by Desperate Housewives than God. Now, that assessment may not have been the correct one, but quite frankly the ads just screemed I was going to see what a left winger thought was a non-stop laugh riot about some wimpy post-modern pastor. I understand that we are all sinners and we are deeply comprimised. The question is, do we resign ourselves or do we try to rise above. The ads looked like a resigned wallow in the mud to me.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 31, 2006 11:23 AM | Faith | TV