February 16, 2006

Questions Easy, Answers Hard

Is it just me, or does Larry O'Donnell sound like he had a few too many before going on the air with Hugh Hewitt? Actually, Larry always sounds like he's had a few too many and isn't a happy drunk.

What about the ambulence attendents? Would they be in on the cover up, too? Maybe an intrepid reporter can track them down and get their story.

Here is another example where reality will divurge between left and right; it will become an article of faith on the left that Cheney was drunk when he shot Mr. Wittington, and it will become an article of faith on the right that he wasn't. And I'm not one of those people who like to split truth down the middle, either Cheney was or he wasn't and so one group is quite simply wrong.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at February 16, 2006 12:28 PM | Media Criticism