April 3, 2006

Mark On Movies

I admit it - I'm fascinated by movies. I can still remember the days when I lived in LA and a visit to my brother in the Bay Area was its own movie festival. Mark at Kaedrin also likes movies, and he has a trio of posts

Offbeat Movie Corner -- he likes The Matador. Greg Kinnear isn't in many movies, but they are usually good (he's Gandalf the White to Owen Wilson's Saruman the White).

Piecing Together Obscurity -- this could apply to X Files as well - a show I finally just gave up on as it constantly promised, but never delivered.

Philadelphia Film Festival -- Mark sees a lot of movies so you don't have to.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at April 3, 2006 12:00 PM | Movies
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.

X-files definitely plays obscurity for depth, at least sometimes. I got the feeling that they were just making crap up as they went along and never really intended on resolving anything. I get the same feeling from Lost, which is why I've stopped watching and won't watch again until someone assures me that it's started to make sense and the resolution isn't totally stupid.

Anyway, thanks for the links, and stay tuned. I'll be reviewing film festival movies all week. Late tonight I should be posting my review of The Descent:)

Posted by: Mark at April 3, 2006 2:02 PM

I thought most of the best X-Riles episodes were ones that weren't tied into the whole Smoking Man/Alens story arc.

One of the nice things about Babylon 5 was that it did deliver -- it really did go somewhere. The downside was that meant if actually had to come to an end. Oh well.

Posted by: kevin murphy at April 3, 2006 3:26 PM

Hello everybody, I want to make friend with you. Nice to meet you.

Posted by: ldh at April 10, 2006 4:24 AM