April 18, 2006

Two Duke Lacross Team Members Arrested

I haven't been following the whole Duke Lacross team Rape story much, mainly because I was in a news blackout in Lousville when the story broke. I came in to the announcement by defense attorneys that there was no DNA evidence to support the allegation. But 2 of the team members were arrested for rape today. I have no idea what actually happened, and the information I've seen so far raises a lot of questions. Karen Russell of the Huffington Post has a lot of good ones. And someone who has more experience in these matters than me (though he assures me that isn't much) wonders why the "exotic dancers" had no bodyguard(s) with them -- you know, the big guys who come along to make sure that there are no problems - especially with payment and to make nothing gets out of hand. I found the comments to this post interesting as well.

I can't automatically believe every rape allegation, nor can I discount every rape allegation. But the burden of proof is on the accuser, and at this point there is no evidence in the public record that the lacross players are guilty of raping this woman beyond her claim. Maybe that's enough to take it to a jury, but I don't see how that's enough to convict.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at April 18, 2006 12:07 PM | Current Events