April 24, 2006

The Other McCarthy (Mary, that is)

Is there a difference between providing classified information to an American journalist or an agent of a foreign power? Yes, if you provide it to the journalist, every enemy of America will get the classified information. That's why I have to agree with Will Collier: throw away the key. Mary McCarthy is a traitor.

Now we just have to find out who divulged the NSA program of wiretapping international calls and punish that traitor too.

And that's part of my disappointment with Patrick Fitzgerald - make the case on Libby for releasing classified information to someone who was not authorized, make the case for Joe Wilson releasing classified information to someone who was not authorized, or go home. Why make a perjury case on Libby while at the same time shielding 1 or 2 (depending on whether or not Novak and Woodward had the same source) people who leaked info before Libby -- to save them from embarrassment -- and do nothing on the underlying offense? Pathetic.

Gateway Pundit has a big roundup on this story.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at April 24, 2006 11:56 AM | Current Events