May 31, 2006

What Is A Feminist?

Who died and put Nora Ephron in charge?:

And by the way, Laura Bush isn't a feminist. You can't be a feminist if you don't believe in a woman's right to choose."
Um, why not? What exactly is feminism about? I've said it before, I don't consider myself a Feminist, but a feminist. I find Feminism both dreary and alarming - dreary because it is so humorless, so dogmatic, so past its prime, and alarming because as a Man, I'm the enemy. I find feminism sensible and always relevant. The biggest difference to me is that Feminism is all about women being just like the stereotype of manly men at the birth of feminism - career first, sexual predator, all that nonsense, while feminism is about women being free to pursue happiness without gender restrictions (which means we need a healthy dose of masculinism as well). While I oppose abortion, it doesn't enter into feminism because of the physical reality that reproduction is gender asymetrical, and there is nothing law or culture can do about that. Women are no more or less equal than men due to abortion law because are men not subject to it and there is no equivalent for men. So I'm happy to be a feminist, just don't call me a Feminist.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at May 31, 2006 12:27 PM | Culture