June 9, 2006

Palestine, Hamas, and us.

OK, remind me again why we should give Hamas a nickel, or why the Palestinians, who've never missed an oportunity to miss an oportunity, deserve a state (and not the Kurds?) Because from where I sit, all I can see is the partying in the streets after 9/11, and now the comes the reaction of Hamas to Zarqawi's death - a man responsible for the death of thousands, and a man who took delight in beheading people: "With hearts full of faith, Hamas commends brother-fighter Abu Musab ... who was martyred at the hands of the savage crusade campaign which targets the Arab homeland, starting in Iraq". If Hamas considers Zarqawi a brother fighter, and Zarqawi clearly fought against the US, that means that Hamas considers themselves ... in a fight against us. I say we don't disappoint them.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 9, 2006 12:05 PM | Current Events