October 12, 2006

New Meaning To Dress For Success

After reading this story about how researchers investigated how women dressed differently during their menstrual cycle and discovered, I kid you not:

A new study shows that young women in relationships may dress a bit more enticingly as they reach the ovulation phase of their monthly fertility cycle — the time when they are most fertile.

I've decided I clearly went into the wrong line of work. Researchers studied 30 college women and took a bunch of pictures of them (mental flash - should I report these guys to the FBI per the fallout over Rep. Foley?) over time.

First, who thinks up these studies - nerdy men who want to meet college women? This really addresses a burning question about human behavoir.

Secondly, I'm not surprised that women would dress "more enticingly" and that's because women are a lot hornier as ovulation approaches. I'm wondering when that bit of research gets done.

Bonus tip: Men are always horny, except when sporting events are on TV.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at October 12, 2006 12:23 PM | Fun | Science
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I saw this story, too! Given that its been proven that men have menstrual cycles of some kind too, I wonder how that affects their fashion choices.

Posted by: Rusty at October 13, 2006 3:07 PM