February 10, 2007

Pelosi and the Plane

I think Speaker Pelosi is being unfairly attacked over "Air Pelosi". Just because I disagree with many of her political positions, that doesn't give me the right to distort her positions or otherwise treat her unfairly. As Speaker of the House she's supposed to get the use of an airplane - just like Dennis Hastert did. Maybe I'm just a fool, but I don't believe the claims she demanded something bigger and better than what Hastert got - they play to the political dislike of her. I'm friends with many people who have political positions that I disagree with (some even to the right of me), and I'm no less their friend because of it. Why do we treat people who we have different political positions differently than those we do agree with? Why are we willing to believe the worst of those who have different politics?

And even if the worst were true - if Speaker Pelosi did demand Air Force 3 - the biggest jet after AF1 & 2 to ferry around her and her pals, would that somehow invalidate her political positions? Would the military campaign in Iraq be justified by that? Would hiking the minimum wage now be discredited? Universal Healthcare run and funded by the Federal government would have been just the ticket except Nancy Pelosi demanded an overlarge plane to fly around in? Of course not.

The United States has enough real enemies that we don't need to treat each other like enemies.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at February 10, 2007 11:22 AM | National Politics