February 21, 2007

Blogger Council or Nannies for Bloggers?

Ann Althouse reports that Eric Alterman floated the idea of a blogger council that can condemn bloggers to being disbelieved:

"I think it would be valuable if we had... uh... I mean, there's some sense where blogs correct themselves if you read enough of them, but I still I think it would be good if we had some sort of, you know, blogging -- you know -- council, where we could condemn people. Sort of... responsible body. You could still blog if you want. Nobody's going to stop you. But we're going to... everybody's gonna know that you're not to be trusted... unless you can sort of apologize or answer for yourself."

Apparently I can vote, drink, drive a car, raise children, fight in a war (well, I may be too old (and out of shape) for that) but I can't figure out when a blogger isn't to be trusted? Perhaps Mr. Alterman hasn't really figured out this whole blogging thing after all. Or perhaps he is jealous of the Watchers of Weasels Council (which should be noted doesn't condemn, but instead elevates worthy posts).

"Responsible body", "condemn people"? Eric, what are you thinking? Have you missed the whole point of the re-democratization of communications? Here's how it works - you can gather together a group of like minded people, give yourselves a snazzy title (I prefer the blogging nannies), and publish lists of bloggers that you think should be condemned for their blogging sins and ask them to foreswear blogging until they grovel abjectly at your feet. You can even call this condemnation excommunication, wear funny hats and force them to kiss your ring in order to be recommunicated if you so desire. Just don't ask me to ever take you seriously again, or for that matter trust you. Because in the Book of Kevin, you've just condemned yourself to perpetual untrust, no matter if you make an actual, real apology and answer for your clear lack of understanding.

And speaking of people who puff themselves up beyond all recognition, who is Jonathan Chait to sit in judgement of Rudy Guiliani? Mayor Guiliani isn't my ideal presidential candidate (we can't dig up Ronnie just to have him run again, can we?), but I'm tired of people who have done bupkis tell me what to think of people who have actually done a few things in their life.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at February 21, 2007 11:47 AM | Inside Bloging