September 6, 2007

Cereberus Now Has Three Heads

I suppose I'm a bit of an oddity - an ardent free trader who only buys American nameplate cars (kind of the exact opposite of all those "progressives" who decry American companies sending jobs oversees but who will only drive a foreign nameplate car). I'm not a car guy, but I have paid some attention to Chrysler if only because of friends who work there. While Ford and GM continue their slumber, Chrylser has been shocking - first being bought by Daimler, then being sold to Cerebus, then hiring Robert Nardelli of all people, and now hiring Toyota's top American (in both senseis of the word). Now that Oldsmobile has gone the way of all flesh, I can say without risk of legal intanglements that this isn't your father's Chrysler. I suppose it just shows you that it's the company closest to going the way of Oldsmobile that makes the biggest transformations.

Now Cereberus has Lasorda, Nardelli, and Press to run their car company - three heads are better than 1!

Posted by Kevin Murphy at September 6, 2007 11:51 AM | Economics
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Interesting typo, almost came out as sensei, whish would also have been appropriate.

Posted by: charles austin at September 7, 2007 12:04 PM