February 15, 2008

Clinton: "Prius Owners Won't Get Mortgage Deduction"

I know I'm just a country bumpkin from Missouri, but when a politician says this:

"In addition, Hillary will end the tax incentives to companies that ship jobs overseas, and invest those resources in creating good, high-paying jobs here in the U.S."

I can't help but think
"In addition, Hillary will end the mortgage income tax deduction to individuals who buy Priuses, because they are shipping those good, high-paying jobs overseas. Instead, they should buy cars manufactured right here in the U.S."

Of course, you'll never hear a politician actually say that, although for the life of me I can't see the difference between a company buying products from overseas and an individual buying products from overseas. Companies are just aggregators of all the people necessary to make a product for the purchasers of the product. Economically or morally, it makes no difference if the purchaser or the company aggregates from foreigners - the foreigners are employed just the same (not that there's anything wrong with that). In fact, from this nativist point of view, isn't better to buy from a company that outsources than from a foreign company because the outsourcer preserves more American jobs?

Posted by Kevin Murphy at February 15, 2008 6:50 PM | Economics | National Politics