December 04, 2003

A Different Take on Plame/Wilson

A couple of bloggers I admire, Tom McGuire and Jon Henke, have a similar take on the latest Plame/Wilson development - a spread in Vanity Fair (OK, also Tim Noah, who I don't admire). And by and large, I think they are right. But I think there is something else to notice, beyond the foibles of human nature. Joe Wilson served our country ably and courageously during the Gulf War as acting ambassador to Iraq for which he got zero public notice; Valerie Plame served our country ably and courageously for years for which she got (understandably) zero public notice. What they are recognized for now has been on his part a willingness to criticize President Bush beyond any factual basis (the more strident the criticism, the greater the recognition); and on her part simple victimization. This is crazy. Talk about your perverse incentives. There is something wrong with the press when real, well, heroism, is ignored and this kind of crap is rewarded.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at December 4, 2003 12:15 PM | National Politics
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