November 12, 2003

I Dodged A Bullet (Metaphorically)

I about had a heart attack this morning - the St. Louis Post Dispatch editorialized about the concealed carry law that "It would be wonderful if the law were unconstitutional, as Judge Steven R. Ohmer says it is. But it's hard to read the Missouri Constitution that way without a lot of wishful thinking." This is the same editorial board that supported common crook and high handed Speaker of the Missouri House Bob Griffin because he was a staunch supporter of abortion on demand. I have to say it's great that despite their repeating the claim that concealed carry "is the road to hell" and is "an abomination" (hey, aren't these the people who hate it when right wingers speak in that kind of language?) they have the intellectual honesty to admit that it isn't unconstitutional (if they would only do the same about Roe vs. Wade, I really would have a heart attack).

I don't care that much about concealed carry, but I went from an opponent to a supporter when I looked at the data. It doesn't lead to shootouts in the streets, people killed over nothing, and an increase in crimes of passion. I don't think it does much to lower the crime rate, either, though. But what it does do is allow the average citizen, and most importantly the single mom living in a lousy neighboorhood, the ability to choose a firearm as a method to protect herself. That's me, pro-choice when it really is a choice.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at November 12, 2003 12:56 PM | Culture
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