June 05, 2003

Brit Hume On The American Media In Wartime

Hillsdale College has an adaptation of a speech Brit Hume gave there online [After June]. It's not too long and well worth a read as he examines the media post 9/11 and how it's been not just out of synch with America, but with reality.

"Cynical? We journalists pride ourselves, and properly so, on being skeptical. That’s our job. But I have always thought a cynic is a bad thing to be. A cynic, as I understand the term, means someone who interprets others’ actions as coming from the worst motives. It’s a knee-jerk way of thinking. A cynic, it is said, understands the price of everything and the value of nothing. So I don’t understand why Ted Koppel would say with such pride and ferocity – he said it more than once – that he is a cynic. But I think he speaks for many in the media, and I think it’s a very deep problem."

Via Winds of Change

Posted by Kevin Murphy at June 5, 2003 03:12 PM | Media Criticism
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