May 08, 2003

Some People Never Learn

First it was the quagmire in Afganistan (not really, but since I'm writing this, I can start the count where I want). Then it was the hundred thousand civilians we were going to kill in Iraq. Then it was the quagmire in Iraq. Now it's the lack of WMD in Iraq. When is the anti-Bush crowd going to realize they need to shut up and let events play out before they make their complaints? Did they ever stop to think maybe the administration might take their sweet time checking things out before making an announcement, and then they would once again look like idiots? Just a thought.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at May 8, 2003 08:17 AM | War On Terror
We welcome comments. However, use no profanity and be civil.

Who doesn't think that Saddam had chemical and biological weapons? one could make the argument it wasn't worth going after, but jeeshhh...

I've been avoiding offending several friends on this issue because I'm usually too confused to even respond coherently.

Posted by: ArchPundit at May 9, 2003 09:46 AM