March 15, 2003

International Eat An Animal For PETA Day

The people at PETA are all for the treatment of animals as if they were people. You may agree with this, and that's fine. But when it comes to the morality of eating animals, let's examine the question: is it more moral to eat plants or animals? I assert it's more moral to eat animals than plants. While it is undeniable that animals are more like us, and we don't eat other people, such an analogy isn't the whole story. When we compare plants and animals, we find that plants are pacifists - they do not take life to survive. Animals, on the other hand, are killers. We must kill and eat to survive. Clearly, the only moral eating pattern is to eat only other killer animals, condemned by their very own nature, and spare those harmless plants. When I eat my steak and salad, I can take pride in the justice I'm bringing to the mass murdering cow, while I must suffer the agonies of conscience over the poor lettuce that did nothing to deserve its fate.

BTW, blame or congratulate Meryl Yourish for the idea of IEAAFPD.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 15, 2003 02:17 PM | Current Events
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