March 15, 2003

Who Knew?

Science Blog reports that researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that exposure to men's perspiration can brighten women's moods, reduce tension and increase relaxation, and also has a direct effect on the release of luteinizing hormone, which affects the length and timing of the menstrual cycle. I knew it was powerful stuff, especially when the male volunteers hadn't used deodorant in four weeks, but I wouldn't have predicted that it would make a woman's day. In fact, based on my own experience, I would have predicted the opposite effect.

If you watched Survivor last night, you would have observed this effect in action; when Shawna's tribe was all female, she layed around moaning all day that she was miserable and no one cared (the all female tribe was, if anything, distinctly less nurturing than the all male tribe). As soon as a trio of sweaty men entered camp, armpits uncovered, she perked right up and has been all smiles ever since.

I have to admit, instead of my humdrum existance making bombs fly, I wish I could get paid for devising weird science experiments (let's daub male sweat under womens' noses and see how they react) and then carrying them out. I guess I have experimenter's envy.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at March 15, 2003 12:42 PM | Science
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