January 28, 2003

Exercise - Good For What Ails You

Exercise isn't just good for your muscles and heart - it's good for your brain, too. One thing that's struck me about aging (now that I'm feeling the effects) is how the maintenance requirements just keep increasing. One way to stay young is through exercise. Not only does it keep your muscles from atrophy, it keeps your brain from atrophy. Aerobic exercis is best for your cardiovascular system and your brain. Researchers can measure this both functionally through congitive testing and also physically. People who exercise don't lose as much grey matter (neurons and support cells) or white matter (myelin sheaths) as they age than people who don't exercise. So people, let's get walking out there! We don't want our brains to shrivel up.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 28, 2003 12:41 PM | Science
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