January 28, 2003

The Superbowl Misnamed Again

The game, as usual, was a lopsided contest of little interest to anyone who wasn't a Buccaneer or Raiders fan. The officiating, as usual, was spotty with some poor calls. But since the Raiders only decided to actually bother to play hard for a quarter or so, it didn't matter. U2's half time show last year is going to be hard to beat, and this year's sure didn't. A couple of years ago we had N'Synch singing along with Aerosmith for a delightfully bizarre specatacle, this year we got blah. OK, Shania tried her darnedest with those dominatrix boots, but a Gwen Stefani - Sting duet in 2003 is bland indeed. Sadly, the commercials were unusually poor with only a few good ones, no great ones, and plenty of dull ones. At least some of the ones during the dot com craze were spectacularly awful; this time around, the bad ones didn't even emit a decent stink. I'd rather get an unintentional laugh than a shrug.

Posted by Kevin Murphy at January 28, 2003 11:59 AM | TV
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